jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Major site update coming on January 1, 2020

Dear readers: we all know this site has been lacking updates for a while. When you make a site dedicated to a sole James Bond film, it's complicated to find reasons to update the site quite often. But in 2020, the year of the silver anniversary of our beloved film, we will provide you an eye-popping experience and a definitive tribute to GOLDENEYE!

Contents of the new site will include technical information about the movie, still and poster galleries, details on the GOLDENEYE legacy and the recipe for this great movie. On the other hand, we will be covering the many official video game adaptations of the 1995 film including its unofficial fan remakes and mods such as GOLDENEYE: SOURCE and the upcoming GOLDENEYE 25.

All the news archives and featured articles that were part of The GoldenEye Dossier will be kept in the Archive section of the site, URL: https://gedossier007-archived.blogspot.com . This Archive section will also be used to post some updates related to the world of GOLDENEYE (actor news, home video releases, etc) and the official news regarding Bond 25 and James Bond in general.

So... we wait you to celebrate the 25th anniversary of GOLDENEYE in our new site and hope you will enjoy this (golden) eye-popping experience!

No limits. No fears. No substitutes.